Bravely braiding together

the wisdom, magic & mystery of the seen & unseen realms…

for the living, the dying & the Dead.

Hello. My name is Rebecca.

I’m a Multicultural/Dimensional Artist, Death Midwife, Grief Care Companion, Home Funeral Guide, Energy Practitioner, Animist & Parent.

I serve my community from a decolonial, liberatory & Soul centered place. I work with the seen + unseen realms & energies to create art, jewelry & ritual tools + guide people in traversing life and meeting death in a sacred, conscious, compassionate, honest & heart-led way.

My body of work and service is guided and informed by the elemental, ancestral (human + non-human) & cosmical planes - for this I am deeply grateful.

The prayer I hold for us all is fullness & liberation of the Soul. May the work I create and offer the world empower folks to walk the braiding path alongside one another.